Merve Tas Bangert has been helping StatSoft's customers utilize data science through softwares and also machine learning solutions. As a data scientist she works to uncover patterns in data and deliver customized insights.
Know-How AI Machine Learning
Bilderkennung zur Verbesserung der Instandhaltung

From Pixels to Predictions

Tra­di­tio­nal main­ten­an­ce often reli­es on manu­al inspec­tions and sche­du­led check-ups. While the­se are useful, they can be time-con­sum­ing, pro­ne to human error, and they risk to miss the ear­ly signs of poten­ti­al fail­ures. As a result, orga­niza­ti­ons are incre­asing­ly tur­ning to advan­ced tech­no­lo­gies to imple­ment proac­ti­ve main­ten­an­ce stra­te­gies.


Streamlining Stability Analysis: Tools and Techniques for Efficient Shelf-life Estimation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Sta­bi­li­ty test­ing, also known as shelf-life assess­ment, stand as a pivo­tal stage in the phar­maceu­ti­cal deve­lo­p­ment, cru­cial for veri­fy­ing the iden­ti­ty, poten­cy and puri­ty of ingre­di­ents within a for­mu­la­ti­on. We explain how sta­bi­li­ty stu­dies can be imple­men­ted.