Nick Verstegen helps StatSoft’s customers to benefit from data science (esp. machine learning and automation) for over ten years. This includes know-how-transfer through trainings and development of solutions based on individual requirements.
Alteryx Pharma
How to Leverage the Power of Alteryx Designer for Pharmaceutical Use Cases

How to Leverage the Power of Alteryx Designer for Pharmaceutical Use Cases 

Alte­ryx Desi­gner for Phar­maceu­ti­cal Use Cases Alte­ryx Desi­gner is a powerful tool sui­ted for many dif­fe­rent chal­lenges in the domain of data science. It deli­vers strong capa­bi­li­ties for data inges­ti­on, pre­pa­ra­ti­on (or wrang­ling), get­ting insights and dis­tri­bu­ting (or export­ing) them to the right places. All of this is not only available ad-hoc but can also be […]

Case Study Finance Statistica

Data Analysis in the Financial Sector: Credendo’s Journey to Digital Excellence with TIBCO Statistica™ 

The digi­tal revo­lu­ti­on has fun­da­men­tal­ly chan­ged how busi­nesses ope­ra­te and make decis­i­ons. In the high­ly regu­la­ted finan­cial sec­tor, effec­ti­ve data uti­liza­ti­on is key to stay­ing com­pe­ti­ti­ve. Cre­den­do, a lea­ding Euro­pean cre­dit insurer, is a prime exam­p­le of this. Col­la­bo­ra­ting with Stat­Soft and by imple­men­ting TIBCO Sta­tis­ti­ca™, Cre­den­do has ele­va­ted its data ana­ly­sis and report­ing capa­bi­li­ties […]