
Why Excel is No Longer Enough: Alteryx as a Gamechanger 

In an era whe­re we dis­cuss digi­ta­liza­ti­on, auto­ma­ti­on, value crea­ti­on from data, and the wide­spread use of gene­ra­ti­ve AI, Micro­soft Excel remains the pre­fer­red tool for data ana­ly­sis, report­ing, and decis­­i­on-making in many com­pa­nies. But why is that? The Advan­ta­ges of Excel Excel is a stan­dard pro­duct in almost every office world­wi­de. It impres­ses with […]

Alteryx Webinar

Efficiency Unleashed: Leveraging Alteryx ML to Drive Energy Reduction in Manufacturing

In today’s data-dri­­ven land­scape, manu­fac­tu­r­ers thri­ve on under­stan­ding and lever­aging data to its ful­lest poten­ti­al. Howe­ver, navi­ga­ting the com­ple­xi­ties of data analytics can be daun­ting. Fear not! Empower yours­elf with the right tools for data inges­ti­on, pre­pa­ra­ti­on and pre­dic­tion – and dis­co­ver the poten­ti­al of your manu­fac­tu­ring data. 🗓️ Date: 28. May 2024 🕑 Time: […]

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