Statistica Webinar

Upgrade Your Analytics Practice

Would you like to learn more about the bene­fits of swit­ching from Mini­t­ab to Sta­tis­ti­ca? Join us for an enligh­tening web­i­nar, co-hos­ted with our estee­med part­ner Lui­gi Rog­gia from App­ly Science, whe­re we del­ve into the pivo­tal decis­i­on of tran­si­tio­ning from Mini­t­ab to Sta­tis­ti­ca and the pro­found impact it has on enhan­cing ana­ly­ti­cal and data science prac­ti­ces.


The Statistica Story 

We, the com­pa­ny Stat­Soft and the soft­ware Sta­tis­ti­ca are clo­se­ly con­nec­ted and can look back at a long and exci­ting histo­ry.   It all began with the release of CSS (Com­ple­te Sta­tis­ti­ca Sys­tem) by Stat­Soft Incor­po­ra­ted in 1986, fol­lo­wed by a first DOS ver­si­on – now under the name STATISTICA in 1991. In the­se years the­re […]

Six Sigma Statistica

Six Sigma in Statistica 

What is „Six Sig­ma“? Six Sig­ma is a struc­tu­red, data-ori­en­­ted method to redu­ce defects, was­te and qua­li­ty issues of any kind in pro­duc­tion, ser­vices, manage­ment and fur­ther busi­ness acti­vi­ties.  Six Sig­ma is a trade­mark of Moto­ro­la, that shaped the term in the eight­ies. The method is based on a com­bi­na­ti­on of estab­lished tech­ni­ques of qua­li­ty assu­rance, […]