
Meet the team: Dr. Matthias Bittner

We are hap­py that Mat­thi­as is with us. And he has been with us for more than 3 years! What moti­va­tes him at Stat­Soft, what are his goals? We asked. Why did you beco­me a Data Sci­en­tist? “As a meteo­ro­lo­gist, I work­ed at the Max Planck Insti­tu­te after my doc­to­ra­te. Cli­ma­te rese­ar­chers work and ana­ly­se […]


Always be one step ahead with predictive forecasting

Pre­dic­ti­ve fore­cas­ting is on the minds of many com­pa­nies. They hope to opti­mi­se their plan­ning pro­ces­ses by means of AI-sup­­por­t­ed pre­dic­tion models and to be able to react more quick­ly to chan­ging requi­re­ments. What is important when a com­pa­ny rea­ligns its plan­ning pro­cess and wants to use the pos­si­bi­li­ties of modern pre­dic­ti­ve fore­cas­ting solu­ti­ons? What […]


Training makes perfect

Actual­ly, when it comes to data visua­li­sa­ti­on, no one can fool us that quick­ly and we have been pro­ven Spot­fi­re experts for a long time. But as we all know, lear­ning never stops. Espe­ci­al­ly when it comes to data sci­ence. On Wed­nes­day, some of our col­le­agues (Mat­thi­as Bitt­ner, Lynn Pät­zold, Simon Kam­prath) used the TIBCO […]


The port helps - and StatSoft too!

Tomor­row we will be moving into our new pre­mi­ses in the cent­re of Ham­burg. We have dona­ted a lar­ge part of our fur­ni­tu­re, inclu­ding cro­ckery and cut­lery, to the orga­ni­sa­ti­on DER HAFEN HILFT! e. V.. Befo­re that, we were able to hand over some IT equip­ment such as note­books and moni­tors. They arran­ge dona­ti­ons in […]

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