Statistica Webinar

Upgrade Your Analytics Practice

Would you like to learn more about the bene­fits of swit­ching from Mini­t­ab to Sta­tis­ti­ca? Join us for an enligh­tening web­i­nar, co-hos­ted with our estee­med part­ner Lui­gi Rog­gia from App­ly Science, whe­re we del­ve into the pivo­tal decis­i­on of tran­si­tio­ning from Mini­t­ab to Sta­tis­ti­ca and the pro­found impact it has on enhan­cing ana­ly­ti­cal and data science prac­ti­ces.

Alteryx Webinar

Efficiency Unleashed: Leveraging Alteryx ML to Drive Energy Reduction in Manufacturing

In today’s data-dri­­ven land­scape, manu­fac­tu­r­ers thri­ve on under­stan­ding and lever­aging data to its ful­lest poten­ti­al. Howe­ver, navi­ga­ting the com­ple­xi­ties of data analytics can be daun­ting. Fear not! Empower yours­elf with the right tools for data inges­ti­on, pre­pa­ra­ti­on and pre­dic­tion – and dis­co­ver the poten­ti­al of your manu­fac­tu­ring data. 🗓️ Date: 28. May 2024 🕑 Time: […]

Alteryx Webinar
Unleashing Data Insights for All

Unleashing Data Insights for All

How to make your orga­niza­ti­on rea­dy for the ana­ly­ti­cal jour­ney  In the era of data-dri­­ven decis­­i­on-making, demo­cra­tiz­ing data analytics has beco­me a cri­ti­cal goal for busi­nesses. But what does it mean, and what should you focus on to start suc­cessful initia­ti­ves?   Data enthu­si­ast Fre­de­rik Fritz from Stat­Soft shares some per­so­nal insights on how orga­niza­ti­ons can […]

Alteryx Webinar
How to Leverage the Power of Alteryx Designer

Registration for our webinar: How to Leverage the Power of Alteryx Designer for Pharmaceutical Use Cases

Dive into the world of phar­maceu­ti­cal data analytics and manage­ment with our upco­ming web­i­nar, led by Lynn Pät­zold, data sci­en­tist at Stat­Soft, as we explo­re the powerful capa­bi­li­ties of Alte­ryx tail­o­red spe­ci­fi­cal­ly for phar­maceu­ti­cal use cases. The web­i­nar is an unmis­sa­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty for pro­fes­sio­nals within the phar­maceu­ti­cal indus­try who are eager to under­stand how Alte­ryx […]