// Indus­tries

Finance & Insurance

The finan­ce and insu­rance indus­try is under pres­su­re to ful­fil rising cus­to­mer expec­ta­ti­ons on the one hand and to remain com­pe­ti­ti­ve in a com­plex regu­la­to­ry envi­ron­ment on the other. At the same time, fast, data-dri­ven decis­i­ons are cru­cial to mana­ge risks and capi­ta­li­se on oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Stat­Soft offers inno­va­ti­ve data analytics and AI solu­ti­ons that help orga­ni­sa­ti­ons make pro­ces­ses more effi­ci­ent, secu­re and future-pro­of. Our cus­to­mi­sed solu­ti­ons help to meet the chal­lenges of the indus­try with pre­cis­i­on and agi­li­ty.

We deli­ver added value to our cus­to­mers in various are­as and fields:

  • Risk manage­ment and len­ding: our exper­ti­se in cre­dit scoring enables pre­cise risk assess­ment and well-foun­ded len­ding decis­i­ons.
  • Cus­to­mer loyal­ty: We use churn ana­ly­ses to iden­ti­fy churn risks at an ear­ly stage and deve­lop per­so­na­li­sed stra­te­gies to streng­then cus­to­mer loyal­ty.
  • Fraud pre­ven­ti­on: Our advan­ced fraud detec­tion solu­ti­ons reco­g­ni­se and stop frau­du­lent acti­vi­ties in real time.

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When cus­to­mers can­cel a sub­scrip­ti­on (churn) or deci­de for a purcha­se, it has a direct influence on the company’s reve­nue. With pre­dic­ti­ve methods based on data com­pa­nies can pre­dict decis­i­ons ear­ly on and under­stand root cau­ses.
Col­la­bo­ra­ting with Stat­Soft and by imple­men­ting TIBCO Sta­tis­ti­ca™, Cre­den­do has ele­va­ted its data ana­ly­sis and report­ing capa­bi­li­ties to a new level. 
We look for­ward to your enquiry.
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