
StatSoft Report Node for Statistica 

Stat­Soft offers a Sta­tis­ti­ca com­po­nent that allows for auto­ma­ted, effi­ci­ent and relia­ble trans­fer of ana­ly­ti­cal results into Word reports.

Automated reporting with Statistica 

Many of our cus­to­mers (espe­ci­al­ly in the phar­maceu­ti­cal pro­duc­tion) are faced with the task to crea­te reports to - for exam­p­le - pro­ve to the aut­ho­ri­ties that their pro­duc­tion is relia­ble, they have a sta­ble pro­duct qua­li­ty, and that they are in con­for­mance with requi­re­ments. 

Tho­se reports are based on results that have been crea­ted with Sta­tis­ti­ca and the appli­ca­ti­on of sui­ta­ble (or requi­red) ana­ly­ti­cal pro­ce­du­res like sta­tis­tics and data visua­liza­ti­on. Tho­se results are coll­ec­ted in docu­ments (Word or PDF) and put into a shape that meets the expec­ta­ti­ons of the stake­hol­ders. 

Crea­ti­on of such reports is a regu­lar and time-con­sum­ing pro­cess that requi­res qua­li­fied per­son­nel and a high level of dili­gence. 

Under­stan­d­a­b­ly, cus­to­mer seek for a solu­ti­on to crea­te such reports in an auto­ma­ted fashion with only mini­mal manu­al inter­ac­tion.  

StatSoft Report Node for Statistica 

Stat­Soft has crea­ted a solu­ti­on for tho­se cus­to­mers. A solu­ti­on that inte­gra­tes seam­less­ly into the ana­ly­ti­cal pro­ces­ses desi­gned in Sta­tis­ti­ca. The Stat­Soft Report Node is a Sta­tis­ti­ca com­po­nent, that can pla­ced in a Sta­tis­ti­ca workspace and be exe­cu­ted with it. 

Statistica’s results are transfered to Word 

The Stat­Soft Report Node extra­cts the results-work­book from the workspace and places it’s ele­ments (spreadsheets, dia­grams, reports) in a Word report. Spreadsheets are trans­la­ted to word tables and dia­grams beco­me pic­tures. This way, the crea­ti­on of rich and visual­ly plea­sing reports based in ana­ly­ti­cal results, can be auto­ma­ted easi­ly. 

Based on templates 

The pro­cess requi­res a tem­p­la­te in Word, that can be pla­ced eit­her on the Sta­tis­ti­ca Ser­ver (Enter­pri­se) or the file sys­tem. At least an emp­ty word file (.docx) is requi­red as a tem­p­la­te. 

The tem­p­la­te can con­tain book­marks to posi­ti­on the ele­ments and it can also be laid out accor­ding to the cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty of the cus­to­mer. 

Chap­ters and exam­p­le texts can also be part of the tem­p­la­te and be modi­fied during the pro­cess. 

According to standards 

The crea­ti­on of the reports does not requi­re a Word instal­la­ti­on and is accom­plished via the offi­ci­al libra­ri­es. This allows for stan­dards com­pli­ant Word docu­ments. The crea­ti­on of the reports is a very fast pro­cess and capa­ble of hand­ling lar­ge report sizes. 

Flexible configuration 

The con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and pla­ce­ment of the ele­ments is being read from a con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can its­elf be gene­ra­ted and mana­ged with Statistica’s fea­tures. 

Defi­ni­ti­ons for the ele­ments can be indi­vi­du­al or be assi­gned via wild­cards. 

Further functionality 

Bes­i­des the trans­fer of ana­ly­ti­cal ele­ments from Sta­tis­ti­ca to a word report, the Stat­Soft Report Node offers addi­tio­nal fea­tures: 

  • Con­ver­si­on to PDF (only with a Word instal­la­ti­on) 
  • Cal­cu­la­ti­on of checks­ums 
  • Dia­gno­sti­cal log­ging 
  • Repla­ce­ment of text ele­ments via spreadsheet(s) 
  • Inser­ti­on of spe­cial cha­rac­ters and other type sets 

Bes­i­des a Sta­tis­ti­ca release in the Ser­ver Edi­ti­on the Stat­Soft Report Node has no fur­ther requi­re­ments. It works – after instal­la­ti­on of the libra­ri­es – on the Desk­top and the Ser­ver. Exis­ting ana­ly­ti­cal pro­ces­ses are easi­ly expan­ded via the node. 

To intro­du­ce the Stat­Soft Report Node into your pro­ces­ses Stat­Soft can sup­port you with all the ser­vices and assis­tance you need. Plea­se get in touch! 

  • Fast: Crea­ti­on of sophisti­ca­ted reports in seconds 
  • Effi­ci­ent: Free-up time for your expert per­son­nel 
  • Secu­re: Redu­ce the likeli­hood of mista­kes through auto­ma­ti­on  
  • Com­pa­ti­ble: Word-reports can be used by all stake­hol­ders 
  • … Report­ing in regu­la­ted envi­ron­ments on a new level!  

Stat­Soft is your relia­ble part­ner when it comes to data science. We assist you with soft­ware sel­ec­tion, con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and instal­la­ti­on and will also pro­vi­de you with the nee­ded soft­ware- and metho­do­lo­gi­cal-know-how. In ana­ly­ti­cal pro­jects we can aid with con­sul­ting and exe­cu­ti­on. Tog­e­ther we can gene­ra­te more insights from your data and deli­ver a sus­tainable value. 

We would love to be of assi­tance. Plea­se get in touch!  

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Your contact

If you have any ques­ti­ons about our pro­ducts or need advice, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us direct­ly.

Tel.: +49 40 22 85 900-0

Sasha Shiran­gi (Head of Sales)