Why Organizations Choose Spotfire 

Spot­fi­re with its dash­boards repres­ents the ide­al soft­ware solu­ti­on for advan­cing your com­pa­ny towards a data dri­ven orga­niza­ti­on. 

Insights everywhere 

Thanks to Spot­fi­re it is pos­si­ble to make insights from data available ever­y­whe­re in your orga­niza­ti­on. Be it with the simp­le to use desk­top appli­ca­ti­on or via Spot­fi­re ser­ver. The ser­ver allows users to access insights from the web via a brow­ser or from mobi­le devices. With the chat func­tion­a­li­ty “con­clu­si­ons” can be recor­ded and shared with the team for comm­ents and dis­cus­sions.  Through indi­vi­du­al access per­mis­si­ons each user is ser­ved pre­cis­e­ly what he or she needs. 

Visualization without limits 

Spot­fi­re dash­boards are com­po­sed out of sel­ec­ted data visua­liza­ti­ons like bar charts, line charts, water­fall charts, com­bi­na­ti­on charts, pie charts, scat­ter plots, 3D scat­ter plots, map charts, tree­maps, heat maps, KPI charts, par­al­lel coor­di­na­tes plots, box plots, gra­phi­cal tables or cross tables. If a visua­liza­ti­on is miss­ing, it can be added in via Spot­fi­re Mods. Mods can be found in the acti­ve Spot­fi­re com­mu­ni­ty or be crea­ted by the users them­sel­ves. 

Design easily 

For the desi­gner the com­po­si­ti­on of a dash­board is per­for­med by sel­ec­ting, cli­cking and con­fi­gu­ring of ele­ment or assis­ted by the AI-assistant. The AI assistant (Spot­fi­re Copi­lot) can sug­gest the pro­per visua­liza­ti­on for the cor­re­spon­ding data type or crea­te visua­liza­ti­ons based upon natu­ral lan­guage based queries by the user. 

For the con­su­mer the inter­ac­tion with the dash­board and its various visua­liza­ti­ons is very straight-for­ward and per­for­med by zoo­ming, fil­te­ring and moving. The inter­ac­ti­vi­ty enables a fast, detail­ed and deep under­stan­ding of the data. For exam­p­le, through fil­te­ring in a scat­ter­plot data is fil­te­red for other plots sur­fa­cing pre­vious­ly hid­den insights. During design the skill and needs of the con­su­mers can be ful­ly respec­ted to avo­id any bar­riers of ent­ry and gua­ran­tee a high level of satis­fac­tion. 

Advanced analytics 

In a case whe­re more com­plex ana­ly­ses are requi­red whe­re for exam­p­le sta­tis­ti­cal methods are nee­ded to get to insights, Spot­fi­re also keeps you cover­ed. Spot­fi­re offers various opti­ons for inte­gra­ti­on of ana­ly­ti­cal plat­forms. The sta­tis­ti­cal (and pro­gramming) lan­guages R and Python can be embedded into the dash­boards making it pos­si­ble to act upon insights gene­ra­ted by them. One nota­ble inte­gra­ti­on is the inte­gra­ti­on of the data science soft­ware Sta­tis­ti­ca. Sta­tis­ti­ca offers – very simi­lar to Spot­fi­re – a user inter­face that is being con­trol­led by sel­ec­ting, cli­cking and con­fi­gu­ring. In case of Sta­tis­ti­ca that allows for the design of com­plex ana­ly­ti­cal pro­ces­ses in a visu­al envi­ron­ment. Sta­tis­ti­ca is focu­sed on tra­di­tio­nal and appli­ed sta­tis­tics, data pre­pa­ra­ti­on pro­ces­ses and machi­ne lear­ning. 

Data sources and preparation 

Spot­fi­re is a com­pre­hen­si­ve and indus­try-agno­stic soft­ware, that is well-lik­ed in indus­tries whe­re deep insights from data are a neces­si­ty. Tho­se indus­tries are phar­maceu­ti­cal manu­fac­tu­ring, ener­gy and semi-con­duc­tors, whe­re Spot­fi­re shi­nes with its capa­bi­li­ty to pro­cess lar­ge amounts of data. 

Acces­sing various data sources, be it local files, data bases or data streams, is also very easy as Spot­fi­re has various fea­tures and con­nec­tors to access data sources of all kinds effi­ci­ent­ly. 

Addi­tio­nal­ly, Spot­fi­re has strong data pre­pa­ra­ti­on capa­bi­li­ties to prepa­re data per­fect­ly for the ana­ly­sis. All the pre­pa­ra­ti­on steps are pre­sen­ted in the Data Can­vas whe­re the steps can be unders­tood and chan­ged when nee­ded. 

Your benefits 

What bene­fits can orga­niza­ti­ons gain from Spot­fi­re? 

  1. Spot­fi­re is easy to dis­tri­bu­te in your orga­niza­ti­on and dash­boards can be tail­o­red per­fect­ly to fit exper­ti­se and needs of the users to use and bar­riers.
  2. Spot­fi­re offers a lean licen­sing model with low cos­ts that can per­fect­ly grow with your requi­re­ments. 
  3. Spot­fi­re fits per­fect­ly for every data science matu­ri­ty level: It can be the start­ing point of your data science jour­ney as a tool to per­fect­ly ana­ly­ze and gain insights from data, for the first time. Or: Spot­fi­re crowns your data science jour­ney by free­ing com­plex ana­ly­ti­cal solu­ti­ons from the expert-silos and making them available to ever­yo­ne. 


Did we pique your inte­rest? Do you want to dis­tri­bu­te insights from data and ana­ly­ses in your orga­niza­ti­on, so that ever­y­bo­dy can bene­fit? The team at Stat­Soft is eager to sup­port you with your next step on your data science jour­ney. Be it with the intro­duc­tion of Spot­fi­re, fit­ting trai­nings, or via con­sul­ting. We’re loo­king for­ward to hel­ping you! 

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Your contact

If you have any ques­ti­ons about our pro­ducts or need advice, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us direct­ly.

Tel.: +49 40 22 85 900-0
E-mail: info@statsoft.de

Sasha Shiran­gi (Head of Sales)