// Strong part­ners - strong results

The StatSoft partner network

StatSoft Partners

The Stat­Soft part­ner net­work focu­ses on qua­li­ty. Stat­Soft part­ners can help rea­li­ze bet­ter busi­ness solu­ti­ons, increase pro­cess effi­ci­en­cy, impro­ve qua­li­ty and risk manage­ment, save cos­ts and increase cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion. Important for us: Only part­ner­ships that add value for cus­to­mers and pro­jects are real part­ner­ships.

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// Our part­ners

Current StatSoft partners

The Alte­ryx Analytics Auto­ma­ti­on Plat­form pro­vi­des end-to-end auto­ma­ti­on of analytics, machi­ne lear­ning, and data science pro­ces­ses to acce­le­ra­te digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on.

App­ly is a Data Science com­pa­ny with cross-indus­try expe­ri­ence and rele­vant senio­ri­ty. Their con­sul­ting and trai­ning ser­vices have been making digi­tal inno­va­ti­on real and suc­cessful sin­ce 2007. App­ly opti­mi­zes invest­ment in data with lea­ding tech­no­lo­gies, stra­te­gic know-how and arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence.

Com­li­ne GmbH
Com­li­ne has been suc­cessful in the field of infor­ma­ti­on logi­stics for years. The focus is on the digi­tiza­ti­on of infor­ma­ti­on and the auto­ma­ti­on of busi­ness pro­ces­ses. With indus­try-ori­en­ted pro­ducts and pro­cess solu­ti­ons, Com­li­ne thus ensu­res end-to-end, opti­mi­zed pro­ces­ses wit­hout media dis­con­ti­nui­ty and thus sup­ports the digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on at cus­to­mers.
The con­nec­ted­da­ta­group com­bi­nes tech­no­lo­gy with busi­ness. In this way, data beco­mes effi­ci­ent­ly usable for the com­pa­ny. Whe­ther it is com­pa­nies in the health care sec­tor, the edu­ca­ti­on sys­tem or govern­ment insti­tu­ti­ons, the desi­red results can be achie­ved in a short time through prac­ti­ce-ori­en­ted work.
Con­trol­Tech Engi­nee­ring AG
Con­trol­Tech Engi­nee­ring AG (CTE) is a lea­ding engi­nee­ring com­pa­ny from Switz­er­land. They are spe­cia­li­zed in the auto­ma­ti­on of pro­cess plants up to labo­ra­to­ry pro­ces­ses as well as fle­xi­ble over­all IT solu­ti­ons in the indus­tri­al envi­ron­ment of the phar­maceu­ti­cal, che­mi­cal, bio­tech and food indus­try (Ope­ra­tio­nal Tech­no­lo­gy). Read our joint artic­le.
Data Advi­ser

Data-Advi­ser helps com­pa­nies effi­ci­ent­ly licen­se and levera­ge mar­ket rese­arch data. They pro­vi­de pitch con­sul­ting ser­vices to ensu­re that cus­to­mers get the most out of your their invest­ments.

Gink­go Analytics
Ging­ko Analytics works with cus­to­mer data to crea­te insights, visua­liza­ti­ons, and ser­vices. They app­ly sta­tis­ti­cal algo­rith­ms and machi­ne lear­ning tech­ni­ques to ans­wer busi­ness ques­ti­ons.
ISI Manage­ment Con­sul­ting GmbH
ISI Manage­ment Con­sul­ting are con­sul­tants for the ener­gy, water and trans­port indus­tries.

QVANTUM is a solu­ti­on of Thin­king Net­works AG, which has its head­quar­ters in Aachen. Sin­ce 2018, QVANTUM has stood for inno­va­ti­ve, digi­tal and agi­le busi­ness plan­ning with its soft­ware-as-a-ser­vice. With the cloud-based solu­ti­on, QVANTUM replaces manu­al as well as inef­fec­ti­ve plan­ning pro­ces­ses.

Sta­too Con­sul­ting
Sta­too Con­sul­ting is a con­sul­ting com­pa­ny based in Switz­er­land. The focus is on sta­tis­ti­cal con­sul­ting and trai­ning, data ana­ly­sis and data mining ser­vices. Sta­too Con­sul­ting offers con­sul­ting and trai­ning in Eng­lish, French and Ger­man in sta­tis­ti­cal thin­king and sta­tis­tics as well as in data mining.
TIBCO Soft­ware Inc.
TIBCO deve­lo­ps soft­ware pro­ducts for the net­wor­king and inte­gra­ti­on of appli­ca­ti­ons and sys­tems in com­pa­nies. With Sta­tis­ti­ca, TIBCO offers intel­li­gent com­pa­nies a com­pre­hen­si­ve soft­ware suite to make even bet­ter decis­i­ons based on ana­ly­ses.
Stat­Soft Pol­ska

Stat­Soft Pol­ska, based in Kra­kow, Pol­and, a sis­ter com­pa­ny of Stat­Soft GmbH, has been pro­vi­ding advan­ced data analytics ser­vices for over 25 years. They help cus­to­mers gain valuable busi­ness insights from data to make fas­ter decis­i­ons, impro­ve cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion and bet­ter under­stand busi­ness needs.