We don’t care about your gen­der,
your appearance or your ori­gin.
We do care about you
as a human being!
We belie­ve peo­p­le want
to be effec­ti­ve.
A huma­ni­stic atti­tu­de
is important to us.
Tur­ning down orders that don’t suit
us is total­ly fine with us.
You can set and deve­lop
your own prio­ri­ties.
We belie­ve in
owner­ship and results.
Good new ide­as that are good
for our cus­to­mers are also good for us.
We’­re loo­king for­ward
to mee­ting you!
// Stat­Soft very per­so­nal

How we are and how we work

We are a very nice team. The col­le­agues speak open­ly and honest­ly with each other.

We always tre­at each other with respect. Being in cont­act with each other is important to us. We belie­ve peo­p­le want to be effec­ti­ve. They want their work to make a dif­fe­rence and ful­fill a pur­po­se.

// Get invol­ved

Your work matters

We think it is important that employees can con­tri­bu­te in order to impro­ve us. The­r­e­fo­re, we have a huma­ni­stic atti­tu­de and reser­ve the right to reject assign­ments that do not fit Stat­Soft.

// We care

Family & Career

Many of us have fami­lies and depend­ents near­by. Mobi­le working and working from a home office are part of our dai­ly prac­ti­ce. We belie­ve in per­so­nal respon­si­bi­li­ty and results and offer the neces­sa­ry cul­tu­re and equip­ment for this.

What the team says
★ ★ ★

Dr. Matthias Bittner
Dr. Matthias Bittner
Seni­or Data Sci­en­tist
“Ever­yo­ne in the team makes a very spe­cial con­tri­bu­ti­on and it is real­ly fun to work with you all. To get new inspi­ra­ti­on and clear my head, I play gui­tar or run in the beau­tiful Raak­moor. But most of all, I focus on my fami­ly.“
Nick Verstegen
Nick Verstegen
Lead Data Sci­en­tist
“I would like to use my know­ledge and expe­ri­ence in the field of Data Science for our cus­to­mers and their chal­lenges. Whe­ther this is done with sui­ta­ble soft­ware or with our own solu­ti­ons - the focus is on the needs of our cus­to­mers. At Stat­Soft, I feel inspi­red by every new tomor­row.”
Juliane Berek
Juliane Berek
Data Sci­en­tist & Cli­ent Part­ner
“At Stat­Soft, as a small and agi­le com­pa­ny, I app­re­cia­te the oppor­tu­ni­ties to get invol­ved, to advo­ca­te for issues, to have a spec­trum of work are­as. I would like to con­tri­bu­te to Stat­Soft being able to advi­se cus­to­mers com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly on all issues in the field of data ana­ly­sis.”
Simon Kamprath
Simon Kamprath
Seni­or Data Engi­neer
“What I real­ly like about my job is con­stant­ly lear­ning, rese­ar­ching, deve­lo­ping and try­ing out new things in order to find the best pos­si­ble solu­ti­ons to the chal­lenges of the data world. We also approach the pro­jects as a team and gain exci­ting insights into a wide ran­ge of indus­tries.”
// Also glad­ly in per­son

Hamburg is a beautiful place

Despi­te the tech­ni­cal pos­si­bi­li­ties and the advan­ta­ges of mobi­le working, we also belie­ve in the importance of genui­ne per­so­nal encoun­ters and the exch­an­ge from them.

We offer a very attrac­ti­ve and modern working envi­ron­ment in a very cen­tral loca­ti­on with the best public trans­port con­nec­tions and a lot of “around”. The­r­e­fo­re, we always look for regu­lar team mee­tings and com­mon days, whe­re we stay in cont­act and cul­ti­va­te tog­e­ther­ness.
Our office - the WeWork abo­ve the Euro­pa Pas­sa­ge - offers the oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet, to work tog­e­ther but also to escape, as nee­ded.

We don’t care about your gender, your appearance or your origin.
We do care about you as a person, and that you burn for your job and fit in with us.

// Your new employ­er

Current job postings

Digi­tal Stra­tegy Con­sul­tant (F/M/O)

The right job for you is not the­re, but you think we should get to know you any­way? We’d love to. send us your unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on  or drop by for a cof­fee. We are loo­king for­ward to it!

// Do you have ques­ti­ons?

Contact me directly

I will be hap­py to ans­wer any ques­ti­ons you may have about the pro­cess or the roles adver­ti­sed. 

Bert von Gar­rel
CEO at Stat­Soft
Tel.: +49 40 2285 900-50
E-Mail: bvongarrel@statsoft.de