Stat­Soft is your part­ner for
data science and analytics
Crea­ting value from data. For every com­pa­ny. Imple­men­ted.
New from Stat­Soft:
Alte­ryx Desi­gner
The lea­ding solu­ti­on for data pre­pa­ra­ti­on, data mer­ging and data ana­ly­sis
that speeds up every step of the ana­ly­sis pro­cess.
More about the Alte­ryx Desi­gner
Sta­tis­ti­ca – We’ll gui­de you through
tran­si­tio­ning your analytics prac­ti­ce
Use our pre­mi­um wel­co­me packa­ge for users of Mini­T­ab and other lega­cy soft­ware
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// We live for Data Analytics & Science

Project Consulting, Software & Support

In order for your data science acti­vi­ties to deve­lop maxi­mum added value, you need an effec­ti­ve data stra­tegy.

We crea­te this tog­e­ther with you based on our deca­des of exper­ti­se. We also test and recom­mend the appro­pria­te soft­ware and infra­struc­tu­re. In doing so, we draw on a port­fo­lio of glo­bal­ly deploy­ed solu­ti­ons in which our experts offer uni­que know-how.

// Data Science and Analytics Pro­ducts

Our product range

The lea­ding solu­ti­on for data pre­pa­ra­ti­on, data mer­ging and data ana­ly­sis with drag & drop func­tions that speed up every step of the ana­ly­sis pro­cess.


Alteryx Designer

Alteryx Designer

Spot­fi­re™ is the most com­pre­hen­si­ve analytics solu­ti­on on the mar­ket, enab­ling users to visua­li­se data quick­ly and easi­ly.




TIBCO Data Vir­tua­liza­ti­on is a data inte­gra­ti­on solu­ti­on that enables orga­ni­sa­ti­ons to access and com­bi­ne data from mul­ti­ple sources in real time.


Data Virtualization

Data Virtualization

With TIBCO® Sta­tis­ti­ca, you can con­nect to any data source, prepa­re and enrich data, and per­form sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis.




Our pro­duct sel­ec­tion offers a wide ran­ge of fea­tures and tools that enable orga­ni­sa­ti­ons to use busi­ness data in new and inno­va­ti­ve ways.

// We train you and your team

Data Science Trainings

In addi­ti­on to the sale, imple­men­ta­ti­on and cus­to­mi­sa­ti­on of data science solu­ti­ons, we also want to ensu­re that the hand­ling and use of the appli­ca­ti­ons by you takes place safe­ly and rou­ti­ne­ly - whe­ther stan­dar­di­sed or high­ly indi­vi­du­al.

// News­let­ter

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📚 Tips & tricks: Impro­ve your know­ledge with our expert tips, tuto­ri­als and best prac­ti­ces.

Sub­scrip­ti­on is free and you can unsub­scri­be at any time.

// What you can expect from us

Software related Services

Project Delivery
Project Delivery
When imple­men­ting data science pro­jects, we offer you a wide ran­ge of sup­port around pre­pa­ra­ti­on and release pro­ces­ses.

  • // Pro­ject manage­ment
  • // Pre­pa­ra­ti­on of pro­of of con­cept stu­dies
  • // Pro­to­ty­pe deve­lo­p­ment (use case pro­to­ty­p­ing)
  • // Imple­men­ta­ti­on of com­ple­te sys­tems
  • // Vali­da­ti­on
First Level Support
First Level Support
When using the soft­ware we sup­p­ly, we sup­port you with expert first-level sup­port and advan­ced ser­vices.

  • // Soft­ware instal­la­ti­on in your sys­tem land­scape
  • // Migra­ti­on of ana­ly­ti­cal lega­cy sys­tems
  • // Indi­vi­du­al adjus­t­ments in the sys­tem (cus­to­mi­sa­ti­on)
  • // Sup­port of the deve­lo­ped appli­ca­ti­ons
  • // Docu­men­ta­ti­on of the new sys­tem
// Your advan­ta­ges with Stat­Soft

Increase the data capability of your company

Data manage­ment
Data Analytics
Data Science
Data visua­li­sa­ti­on

StatSoft News Blog

// Who we are

About StatSoft

Stat­Soft con­sists of more than 50 moti­va­ted spe­cia­lists in the data science indus­try, dis­tri­bu­ted across the loca­ti­ons in Ham­burg at Stat­Soft (Euro­pe) and Kra­kow in Pol­and at Stat­Soft Pol­ska. They use their exten­si­ve know­ledge and skills every day to always offer cus­to­mers the right solu­ti­on with the help of data. In doing so, we are and always will be com­mit­ted to inno­va­ti­ve deve­lo­p­ment and con­ti­nuous lear­ning.

// Our cus­to­mers

StatSoft has more than 300
customers worldwide

With our solu­ti­ons in the Life­Sci­ence & Phar­ma, Indus­tri­al, Con­su­mer Goods and Ener­gy sec­tors, we work with our cli­ents to crea­te a data-dri­ven decis­i­on-making foun­da­ti­on that is both pre­dic­ti­ve and pro­ven to deli­ver many effi­ci­en­ci­es.

// Cus­to­mer feed­back

What customers say about StatSoft

Dr. Jörg Span­gen­berg, Direc­tor of Pro­duct Deve­lo­p­ment, INDIVUMED GmbH
“We were imme­dia­te­ly impres­sed by the ease of use of the pro­ject inter­face and the func­tion­a­li­ty of Sta­tis­ti­ca Data Miner. StatSoft’s tar­ge­ted ser­vices fit well into our sce­na­rio and scope. We have the­r­e­fo­re been hap­py to use them over the past years.”
B. Braun Melsungen
Ralf Thienel, Lei­ter Prüf­mit­tel­über­wa­chung und Ste­ri­li­sa­ti­on-Vali­die­rung, B. Braun Melsun­gen AG
“The use of Sta­tis­ti­ca in pro­duct deve­lo­p­ment in a GMP-regu­la­ted envi­ron­ment laid the sci­en­ti­fic foun­da­ti­on for our Design Space. Com­pe­tent Stat­Soft con­sul­tants sup­port­ed us con­ti­nuous­ly from the initi­al pro­cess defi­ni­ti­on stu­dies to the final pro­cess vali­da­ti­on.”
CSL Behring
Jani­ne Kur­at­li, Mana­ger Data Analytics, CSL Beh­ring
“As part of our digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on, Sta­tis­ti­ca is put­ting us on the right track. The clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with and sup­port from Stat­Soft bring us quick suc­ces­ses. When they have deve­lo­ped some­thing, we can ask ques­ti­ons direct­ly, then learn from it and can imple­ment a lot our­sel­ves later. This know­ledge trans­fer is worth a lot and the man-hours saved and added value gene­ra­ted speak for them­sel­ves.”
Data Science-Exper­te, Cre­den­do
“We knew very well what we expec­ted from a data science plat­form. Becau­se of our ana­ly­ti­cal exper­ti­se, we also know that every sys­tem has its weak­ne­s­ses. So it depends on how you work with it. That’s why we loo­ked for a part­ner with whom we could real­ly col­la­bo­ra­te and fix the­se litt­le pro­blems. The Stat­Soft experts have beco­me part of our team, so to speak.”
We look for­ward to your enquiry.
Learn more about our solu­ti­ons and make an appoint­ment direct­ly!