// Sel­ec­ted pro­ducts for your data stra­tegy

Success with the right software

In today’s data-dri­ven world, spe­cia­li­sed ana­ly­ti­cal soft­ware solu­ti­ons are essen­ti­al to effec­tively imple­ment data stra­te­gies and data sci­ence in cus­to­mer pro­jects.

Such solu­ti­ons offer a wide ran­ge of fea­tures and tools that enable orga­ni­sa­ti­ons to use their data in new and inno­va­ti­ve ways. At Stat­Soft, we offer a ran­ge of sel­ec­ted soft­ware solu­ti­ons in which our data sci­ence con­sul­tants are trai­ned and cer­ti­fied to con­sis­t­ent­ly deli­ver the best results in pro­jects.

Data Sci­ence Appli­ca­ti­ons
Data Ana­ly­sis, Pre­dic­ti­ve Model­ling & Auto­ma­ti­on
Learn more

Alteryx Designer

The lea­ding solu­ti­on for data pre­pa­ra­ti­on, data mer­ging and data ana­ly­sis with drag & drop func­tions that speed up every step of the ana­ly­sis pro­cess.

// Ana­ly­se and auto­ma­te data

TIBCO® Statistica

With TIBCO® Sta­tis­ti­ca, you can con­nect to any data source, prepa­re and enrich data, and per­form sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis.

Data visua­li­sa­ti­on
Reco­g­ni­se con­nec­tions, trends and pat­terns
Mehr erfah­ren
// Aug­ment Intel­li­gence for your com­pa­ny


An AI-powered, search-dri­ven user expe­ri­ence with inte­gra­ted data wrang­ling and advan­ced ana­ly­tics.

Data manage­ment
Cap­tu­re, store, prepa­re, vir­tua­li­se
Learn more
// Less com­ple­xi­ty and fas­ter access to data

TIBCO Data Virtualization

An enter­pri­se solu­ti­on for data vir­tua­li­sa­ti­on that orchestra­tes access to a varie­ty of dif­fe­rent data sources.

Let one of our experts demons­tra­te the solu­ti­on you want.
Arran­ge a demo appoint­ment now