// Data Ana­ly­sis, Pre­dic­ti­ve Model­ling & Auto­ma­ti­on

Data Science Applications

Data science soft­ware makes it pos­si­ble to pro­cess and ana­ly­se lar­ge amounts of data to gain valuable insights. Algo­rith­ms and machi­ne lear­ning models are used to make pre­dic­tions that enable com­pa­nies to make fas­ter and bet­ter decis­i­ons and opti­mi­se busi­ness pro­ces­ses.

// Our solu­ti­ons

Selected products for your data science project

// From data pre­pa­ra­ti­on to pre­dic­tion

Alteryx Designer

The lea­ding solu­ti­on for data pre­pa­ra­ti­on, mer­ging and ana­ly­sis with drag & drop func­tions that speed up every step of the ana­ly­sis pro­cess.

// Ana­ly­se and auto­ma­te data

TIBCO® Statistica

With TIBCO® Sta­tis­ti­ca, you can con­nect to any data source, prepa­re and enrich data, and per­form sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis.