The powerful tool for data sci­ence and sta­tis­tics: Prepa­re data, design work­flows, inte­gra­te tech­no­lo­gies & crea­te models.
// TIBCO Data Sci­ence / Sta­tis­ti­ca

Solve analytical questions

TIBCO® Sta­tis­ti­ca is a pro­fes­sio­nal tool for data sci­en­tists, sta­tis­ti­ci­ans and any data ana­lyst who needs to extra­ct useful insights from data.

With TIBCO® Sta­tis­ti­ca, you can con­nect to any data source, prepa­re and enrich data, per­form sta­tis­ti­cal ana­ly­sis, build models for machi­ne lear­ning and even deep lear­ning, design work­flows, embed your own R and Python code, and deploy models and results to data­ba­ses or other tools.

// Data sci­ence is a team sport

Democratise, collaborate and operationalise


With Sta­tist­ca, com­pa­nies can crea­te busi­ness solu­ti­ons based on algo­rith­ms that sol­ve real pro­blems.




Run work­flows in Sta­tis­ti­ca by Spot­fi­re to bring ML, data, pro­ces­ses and peo­p­le tog­e­ther.


Enabling data science for everyone

Enabling data science for everyone

TIBCO Sta­tis­ti­ca sim­pli­fies data sci­ence and machi­ne lear­ning in hybrid eco­sys­tems.


Simplify complexity

Simplify complexity
// Pre­dic­tion with Sta­tis­ti­ca

Acting with foresight

To gain pre­dic­ti­ve insights, orga­ni­sa­ti­ons need to focus more on deploy­ing, mana­ging and moni­to­ring ana­ly­tics models. Smart busi­nesses rely on plat­forms that sup­port the enti­re ana­ly­tics life­cy­cle while pro­vi­ding enter­pri­se secu­ri­ty and gover­nan­ce. TIBCO® Data Sci­ence soft­ware helps orga­ni­sa­ti­ons inno­va­te and sol­ve com­plex pro­blems fas­ter so that pre­dic­ti­ve insights can be quick­ly trans­la­ted into opti­mal results.


Your benefits using Statistica / Data Science

Full spec­trum ana­ly­ses
ML, graph/network, pre­dic­ti­ve and text ana­ly­sis, regres­si­on, clus­te­ring, time series, decis­i­on trees, neu­ral net­works, data mining, mul­ti­va­ria­te sta­tis­tics, sta­tis­ti­cal pro­cess con­trol (SPC) and design of expe­ri­ments (DOE) are easi­ly acces­si­ble via built-in nodes

Machi­ne Lear­ning for Big Data
Auto­ma­ted ana­ly­tics models with Big Data machi­ne lear­ning algo­rith­ms ite­ra­tively learn from data and opti­mi­se per­for­mance. Let your com­pu­ters find new pat­terns and insights wit­hout expli­cit­ly pro­gramming them whe­re to look. Learn how to deal with big data.

Easy col­la­bo­ra­ti­on allows experts, clerks, deve­lo­pers and data sci­en­tists and engi­neers to incor­po­ra­te algo­rith­ms into busi­ness sys­tems. A drag-and-drop inter­face makes it easy to crea­te data pre­pa­ra­ti­on, ana­ly­sis and scoring pipe­lines. Share and anno­ta­te data, scripts, models and work­flows.

Moni­to­ring, manage­ment, deploy­ment
Model com­pa­ri­son with cham­pi­on chal­len­ger test­ing. Model drift war­nings and signal when to update. Deploy work­flows and set them to run on sche­du­le. Push PMML or PFA real-time scoring to Cloud Foundry, AWS or Goog­le App Engi­ne. Build models on EMR or Reds­hift and deploy them local­ly in Ora­cle or Terada­ta.

Secu­ri­ty, Gover­nan­ce, Audi­ta­bi­li­ty
TIBCO Data Sci­ence soft­ware inter­acts with secu­red clus­ters for advan­ced ana­ly­tics on Hive & Spark using IT data secu­ri­ty poli­ci­es. Use role-based secu­ri­ty for all assets within the sys­tem. Built-in ver­si­on con­trol, audit trails and appr­oval pro­ces­ses.

Open, fle­xi­ble, exten­si­ble
Ana­ly­tic pipe­lines exten­ded through seam­less inte­gra­ti­on with Ama­zon, Azu­re and Goog­le eco­sys­tems along with Python, R, Jupy­ter Note­books, C# and Sca­la. Crea­te cus­tom ope­ra­tors that can be reu­sed across your orga­ni­sa­ti­on and run direct­ly in the data­ba­se, clus­ter or at the edge.

Phar­maceu­ti­cal Com­pli­ance with TIBCO Sta­tis­ti­ca®
In par­ti­cu­lar, TIBCO® Sta­tis­ti­ca also meets phar­maceu­ti­cal gui­de­lines: ano­ther stra­te­gic and dif­fe­ren­tia­ting point added to its long fea­ture list.

Regulation of the pharmaceutical industry

To meet the strin­gent regu­la­ti­on of the phar­maceu­ti­cal indus­try, TIBCO Sta­tis­ti­ca offers the fol­lo­wing solu­ti­ons:

Sta­tis­ti­ca Ser­ver
Sta­tis­ti­ca Ser­ver is an ana­ly­ti­cal job ser­ver with a meta­da­ta store that cen­tral­ly mana­ges data­ba­se con­nec­tions, queries, ana­ly­sis tem­pla­tes, report tem­pla­tes and workspaces. Items can be ver­sio­ned, appro­ved and released via role-based secu­ri­ty. Data can be cle­an­sed and watermarked/approved for use via an appr­oval pro­cess, review tri­al and anno­ta­ti­ons.

Mul­ti­va­ria­te Sta­tis­ti­cal Pro­cess Con­trol
(MSPC) ana­ly­tics desi­gned for pro­cess moni­to­ring and pre­dic­tion of qua­li­ty results.

PI Con­nec­tor
The Sta­tis­ti­ca PI Con­nec­tor enables direct inte­gra­ti­on with data stored in the PI Data His­to­ri­an for opti­mi­sed and auto­ma­ted ana­ly­sis for appli­ca­ti­ons such as Pro­cess Ana­ly­ti­cal Tech­no­lo­gy (PAT).

Pro­duct tracea­bi­li­ty
Pro­duct tracea­bi­li­ty is a solu­ti­on for map­ping com­plex (batch) pro­ces­ses to meaningful ana­ly­ti­cal reports and drill-downs. Inte­gra­te it with vir­tual­ly any LIMS and simi­lar sys­tems to enable meaningful report­ing and root cau­se ana­ly­sis across sel­ec­ted pro­cess steps and pro­vi­de fle­xi­ble, high-dimen­sio­nal insight into the auto­ma­ted manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess.

Sta­tis­ti­ca sta­bi­li­ty & shelf life ana­ly­sis
Sta­tis­ti­ca Sta­bi­li­ty & Shelf Life Ana­ly­sis is a com­ple­te solu­ti­on for vali­da­ted shelf life ana­ly­sis and report­ing. The solu­ti­on imple­ments accept­ed stan­dard approa­ches for sin­gle and mul­ti­ple batch stu­dies, poo­led and sepa­ra­ted esti­ma­tes per batch (sepa­ra­te inter­cept, separate/common slo­pe, pro­ba­bi­li­ty tests) and all com­mon shelf life esti­ma­ti­on tech­ni­ques.

// Inte­rest awa­ken­ed?

Contact us!

Do you have ques­ti­ons about TIBCO Data Sci­ence / Sta­tis­ti­ca and StatSoft’s ser­vices, would you like to purcha­se a licence or enqui­re about a pro­ject? Our pro­ject mana­gers and Sta­tis­ti­ca experts are the­re to help you in word and deed. Get in touch with us.
