Data Mining in TIBCO® Data Science / Statistica™ (SDM)

This trai­ning is an intro­duc­tion to data mining with the TIBCO Sta­tis­ti­ca™ soft­ware. Data mining is par­ti­cu­lar­ly sui­ta­ble when lar­ge and hete­ro­ge­neous data sets are to be ana­ly­sed. Par­ti­ci­pan­ts recei­ve an over­view of how to use the soft­ware, the most important pro­ce­du­res and methods and learn how to car­ry out ana­ly­ses them­sel­ves.


    • Data Mining: Over­view
    • Fore­cas­ting models in Sta­tis­ti­ca
    • Crea­ting a model
    • Com­pa­ring models
    • App­ly­ing models (deploy­ment)
    • Unsu­per­vi­sed Lear­ning
    • Fea­ture Sel­ec­tion
    • Super­vi­sed Lear­ning (Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on & Regres­si­on)

TIBCO Sta­tis­ti­ca™ is a com­pre­hen­si­ve, estab­lished and easy-to-use data science appli­ca­ti­on from TIBCO®. TIBCO Sta­tis­ti­ca™ is included as ‘TIBCO® Data Science - Sta­tis­ti­ca®’ in the ‘TIBCO® Data Science’ packa­ge. In the future, TIBCO Sta­tis­ti­ca™ will be available as ‘TIBCO® Data Science - Work­bench®’.

Our Sta­tis­ti­ca trai­ning cour­ses pro­vi­de a sys­te­ma­tic insight into the soft­ware, intro­du­cing indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents step by step and deepe­ning the ope­ra­ti­on by means of exer­ci­s­es. Gene­ral­ly under­stan­da­ble data sets from dif­fe­rent appli­ca­ti­on are­as ser­ve as examp­les. In our trai­ning cent­re in Ham­burg, a trai­ning PC is available for each par­ti­ci­pant to sol­ve the tasks.

Our trai­ners address all ques­ti­ons of the par­ti­ci­pan­ts and ans­wer them at the appro­pria­te point during the cour­se of the trai­ning. The trai­ning docu­ments are pro­vi­ded as PDF files. Par­ti­ci­pan­ts recei­ve all com­ple­ted tasks and results at the end of the trai­ning.

Alter­na­ting Least Squa­res, Asso­cia­ti­on Rules, AUC, Boos­ted Trees, C&RT, CHAID, Clus­ter Ana­ly­sis, Clus­te­ring, CRISP, Data Dri­ven Eva­lua­ti­on, EM Clus­te­ring, Decis­i­on Trees, Error Cos­ts, k-Means, K-Nea­rest Neigh­bors, Clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on, Cross Vali­da­ti­on, Arti­fi­ci­al Neu­ral Net­works, Las­so Regres­si­on, Link Ana­ly­sis, Logi­stic Regres­si­on, MARSpli­nes, Model Appli­ca­ti­on, Model Com­pa­ri­son, Nai­ve Bayes, PMML, Pre-Pro­ces­sing, Ran­dom Forest, Recom­men­da­ti­on, Regres­si­on, ROC, Sam­pling, Stra­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, Sup­port Vec­tor Machi­nes, Hit Rate, Super­vi­sed Lear­ning, Unsu­per­vi­sed Lear­ning, Shop­ping Cart Ana­ly­sis

To ful­ly bene­fit from the trai­ning, par­ti­ci­pan­ts should have a basic know­ledge of mul­ti­va­ria­te sta­tis­tics.


    • Online: The­se trai­ning ses­si­ons offer maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty wit­hout the need to tra­vel. All par­ti­ci­pan­ts work on their own PCs. We recom­mend using two moni­tors for this pur­po­se.
    • Ham­burg: With our trai­ning cen­ter in Ham­burg, we pro­vi­de a com­for­ta­ble place for suc­cessful lear­ning.
    • At your pre­mi­ses: We con­duct the trai­ning cour­ses on your pre­mi­ses for you and your col­le­agues.

We offer all our trai­ning ses­si­ons in both Ger­man and Eng­lish lan­guages.

Duration: 2 days | Price: Total up to 6 participants: starting from EUR 3.900,-

Sign up yours­elf and your team direct­ly for this trai­ning:

After the regis­tra­ti­on request, the trai­ner will cont­act you direct­ly and arran­ge the date per­so­nal­ly.

Do you have ques­ti­ons about the con­tent, the imple­men­ta­ti­on or would you like an indi­vi­du­al­ly cus­to­mi­zed trai­ning? Cont­act us and speak direct­ly with the respon­si­ble trai­ners wit­hout obli­ga­ti­on. We are sure that we can help you!