Luigi Roggia, Digital Innovation Expert
Nick Verstegen, Lead Data Scientist
Luigi Roggia, Digital Innovation Expert
Nick Verstegen, Lead Data Scientist

Upgrade Your
Analytics Practice

Your investment:
60 minutes.
June 11th, 4pm CET.

Unlock the Power of Statistica:
A Vital Transition for Your Analytics Practice

In the dynamic landscape of
analytics software, staying ahead is
essential. Join us for an
enlightening webinar, co-hosted
with our esteemed partner Luigi
Roggia from Apply Science, where
we delve into the pivotal decision of
transitioning from Minitab to
Statistica and the profound impact
it has on enhancing analytical and
data science practices.

Key Dis­cus­sion Points:

  • Under­stan­ding Sta­tis­ti­ca: A Com­pre­hen­si­ve Over­view
  • Sta­tis­ti­ca: The Pre­fer­red Choice for Manu­fac­tu­ring and High­ly Regu­la­ted Indus­tries
  • Insights from a For­mer Mini­t­ab Hea­vy User: The Trans­for­ma­ti­ve Jour­ney to Sta­tis­ti­ca
  • Inter­ac­ti­ve Q&A: Enga­ge with Our Experts, Address Your Queries
This webinar is tailored for professionals overseeing analytical and data processes within the automotive, automotive suppliers, pharmaceuticals, and other regulated industries.

Join us soon.