Big Data Analytics (BDA)

Ana­ly­zing extre­me­ly lar­ge amounts of data is tech­ni­cal­ly deman­ding and invol­ves metho­do­lo­gi­cal chal­lenges. This trai­ning cour­se offers a prac­ti­ce-ori­en­ted intro­duc­tion to the topics of big data, data mining and pre­dic­ti­ve ana­ly­tics and explains sui­ta­ble mea­su­res for data pre­pa­ra­ti­on and eva­lua­ti­on.

This cour­se is aimed at spe­cia­lists and decis­i­on-makers who want to make their big data acces­si­ble for ana­ly­sis.


  • Over­view of
    • Big data, data mining & pre­dic­ti­ve ana­ly­tics
    • Tech­ni­cal trends
    • The chall­enge of big data ana­ly­tics
  • Pre­pa­ring big data
    • Dra­wing samples
    • Aggre­ga­ting and sel­ec­ting
  • Ana­ly­zing big data
    • Model sel­ec­tion and tuning
    • Achie­ving valid results
    • Fore­cas­ting sys­tem archi­tec­tur

Our method trai­ning cour­ses are desi­gned to be soft­ware-inde­pen­dent and cross-indus­try. We attach gre­at importance to a lively and inspi­ring atmo­sphe­re in the trai­ning and the­r­e­fo­re pre­sent examp­les from various appli­ca­ti­on are­as; soft­ware may also be used.

The cour­se is open to dis­cus­sion and con­tri­bu­ti­ons from par­ti­ci­pan­ts. Our trai­ners respond to all ques­ti­ons from par­ti­ci­pan­ts and ans­wer them at appro­pria­te points during the cour­se.

Par­ti­ci­pan­ts will recei­ve all trai­ning docu­ments in PDF for­mat after­wards.

5 V’s, Batch Scoring, Big Data, Bin­ning, Data Mining, Data Pre­pa­ra­ti­on, Data Aggre­ga­ti­on, Data Prepro­ces­sing, Edge Ana­ly­tics, Ensem­bles, Grid Search, H2O, Hadoop, Hive, Hyper-Para­me­ter Opti­miza­ti­on, In-Data­ba­se, In-Memo­ry, Live Scoring, Map Redu­ce, Model appli­ca­ti­on, model sel­ec­tion, model tuning, model vali­da­ti­on, NoS­QL, par­al­lel pro­ces­sing, para­me­ter­iza­ti­on, pre­dic­ti­ve ana­ly­tics, pre­scrip­ti­ve ana­ly­tics, sam­pling, SOAP, Spark, sam­pling, strea­ming data, super­vi­sed lear­ning, unsu­per­vi­sed lear­ning

This trai­ning is sui­ta­ble for par­ti­ci­pan­ts who are inte­res­ted in the topic of big data and have gene­ral basic ana­ly­ti­cal know­ledge.


  • Online: The­se trai­ning ses­si­ons offer maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty wit­hout the need to tra­vel. All par­ti­ci­pan­ts work on their own PCs. We recom­mend using two moni­tors for this pur­po­se.
  • Ham­burg: With our trai­ning cen­ter in Ham­burg, we pro­vi­de a com­for­ta­ble place for suc­cessful lear­ning.
  • At your pre­mi­ses: We con­duct the trai­ning cour­ses on your pre­mi­ses for you and your col­le­agues.

We offer all our trai­ning ses­si­ons in both Ger­man and Eng­lish lan­guages.

Duration: 1 day | Price: Total up to 6 participants: starting from EUR 1.950,-

Sign up yours­elf and your team direct­ly for this trai­ning:

After the regis­tra­ti­on request, the trai­ner will cont­act you direct­ly and arran­ge the date per­so­nal­ly.

Do you have ques­ti­ons about the con­tent, the imple­men­ta­ti­on or would you like an indi­vi­du­al­ly cus­to­mi­zed trai­ning? Cont­act us and speak direct­ly with the respon­si­ble trai­ners wit­hout obli­ga­ti­on. We are sure that we can help you!