Case Study

Transparency is King: Developing end-to-end traceability of donations  

Indus­try: NGO / Non-pro­­fit orga­ni­sa­ti­ons / Fund­rai­sing  Topic: Tracea­bi­li­ty of dona­ti­ons   Tools: Stat­Soft open source deve­lo­p­ment with, among others, Python (Djan­go), Post­greS­QL, Docker, git   Why Adve­ni­at needs to ensu­re end-to-end tracea­bi­li­ty of dona­ti­ons  Crea­ting trans­pa­ren­cy in dif­fe­rent con­texts is a topic that is dri­ving data-based solu­ti­ons enorm­ously. Whe­re­as a few years ago it was main­ly trans­port and logi­stics […]