
Streamlining Stability Analysis: Tools and Techniques for Efficient Shelf-life Estimation in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Sta­bi­li­ty test­ing, also known as shelf-life assess­ment, stand as a pivo­tal stage in the phar­maceu­ti­cal deve­lo­p­ment, cru­cial for veri­fy­ing the iden­ti­ty, poten­cy and puri­ty of ingre­di­ents within a for­mu­la­ti­on. Phar­maceu­ti­cal sta­bi­li­ty is defi­ned as the abili­ty of a spe­ci­fic for­mu­la­ti­on within its desi­gna­ted con­tai­ner to main­tain con­for­mi­ty to its phy­si­cal and che­mi­cal pro­tec­ti­ve stan­dards. In […]

Pharma Statistica

Statistica in regulated Industries (like Pharma) 

Many com­pa­nies in regu­la­ted indus­tries such as phar­maceu­ti­cal manu­fac­tu­ring or life-sci­en­ces are using Sta­tis­ti­ca suc­cessful­ly in the domains of qua­li­ty assu­rance & con­trol and pro­cess moni­to­ring. 
We as Stat­Soft would in fact cla­im that the­se are the are­as whe­re Sta­tis­ti­ca deli­vers the hig­hest return on invest­ment. Why is that? 

Alteryx Pharma
How to Leverage the Power of Alteryx Designer for Pharmaceutical Use Cases

How to Leverage the Power of Alteryx Designer for Pharmaceutical Use Cases 

Alte­ryx Desi­gner for Phar­maceu­ti­cal Use Cases Alte­ryx Desi­gner is a powerful tool sui­ted for many dif­fe­rent chal­lenges in the domain of data science. It deli­vers strong capa­bi­li­ties for data inges­ti­on, pre­pa­ra­ti­on (or wrang­ling), get­ting insights and dis­tri­bu­ting (or export­ing) them to the right places. All of this is not only available ad-hoc but can also be […]

Case Study Pharma Statistica

Data Analytics and Reporting in Pharma

Back­ground and Chal­lenges In a high­ly regu­la­ted indus­try like phar­maceu­ti­cals, com­pa­nies have to docu­ment and mana­ge their pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses and accor­ding data con­ti­nuous­ly, as well as put them to use in order to opti­mi­ze their own pro­ces­ses and pro­ducts. This also appli­es to CSL Beh­ring. The glo­bal­ly acti­ve com­pa­ny deve­lo­ps bio­the­ra­pies from plas­ma – in […]