Use Case Data Science Software Pharma
How to Leverage the Power of Alteryx Designer for Pharmaceutical Use Cases

How to Leverage the Power of Alteryx Designer for Pharmaceutical Use Cases 

Alte­ryx Desi­gner for Phar­maceu­ti­cal Use Cases Alte­ryx Desi­gner is a powerful tool sui­ted for many dif­fe­rent chal­lenges in the domain of data sci­ence. It deli­vers strong capa­bi­li­ties for data inges­ti­on, pre­pa­ra­ti­on (or wrang­ling), get­ting insights and dis­tri­bu­ting (or export­ing) them to the right places. All of this is not only available ad-hoc but can also be […]

Technology Data Science Software
Unleashing Data Insights for All

Unleashing Data Insights for All

How to make your orga­niza­ti­on rea­dy for the ana­ly­ti­cal jour­ney  In the era of data-dri­­ven decis­­i­on-making, demo­cra­tiz­ing data ana­ly­tics has beco­me a cri­ti­cal goal for busi­nesses. But what does it mean, and what should you focus on to start suc­cessful initia­ti­ves?   Data enthu­si­ast Fre­de­rik Fritz from Stat­Soft shares some per­so­nal insights on how orga­niza­ti­ons can […]

Data Science Software Pharma

Data Analytics and Reporting in Pharma

Back­ground and Chal­lenges In a high­ly regu­la­ted indus­try like phar­maceu­ti­cals, com­pa­nies have to docu­ment and mana­ge their pro­duc­tion pro­ces­ses and accor­ding data con­ti­nuous­ly, as well as put them to use in order to opti­mi­ze their own pro­ces­ses and pro­ducts. This also appli­es to CSL Beh­ring. The glo­bal­ly acti­ve com­pa­ny deve­lo­ps bio­the­ra­pies from plas­ma – in […]