Partner Intern

Together ever stronger

Cross-bor­­der and cross-com­­pa­­ny com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, plan­ning and coope­ra­ti­on - we at Stat­Soft GmbH, tog­e­ther with Stat­Soft Pol­ska, attach gre­at importance to the­se topics and live them. Our visit of seve­ral days to our estee­med col­le­agues from Stat­Soft Pol­ska in #Kra­kow has once again shown that the bund­led com­pe­tence of experts has an und­­reamt-of impact. Once again, […]

Partner Technology

Always be one step ahead with predictive forecasting

Pre­dic­ti­ve fore­cas­ting is on the minds of many com­pa­nies. They hope to opti­mi­se their plan­ning pro­ces­ses by means of AI-sup­­por­t­ed pre­dic­tion models and to be able to react more quick­ly to chan­ging requi­re­ments. What is important when a com­pa­ny rea­ligns its plan­ning pro­cess and wants to use the pos­si­bi­li­ties of modern pre­dic­ti­ve fore­cas­ting solu­ti­ons? What […]