StatSoft wishes you a Merry Christmas

The year 2022 has shown in a spe­cial way that demo­cra­tic values, cohe­si­on and soli­da­ri­ty are inva­luable.

Stan­ding tall tog­e­ther, wal­king tog­e­ther to win tog­e­ther from and with chan­ge. Doing the right thing, some­ti­mes lea­ving com­fort zones, not taking any­thing for gran­ted. Being able to look in the mir­ror and draw satis­fac­tion from what has been achie­ved. Even if it often cos­ts and will con­ti­nue to cost ener­gy, know that it is worth it.

With you, Stat­Soft has grown this year, not only in mate­ri­al terms.

New peo­p­le have come on board, new cus­to­mers have cho­sen us, exis­ting cus­to­mers have once again expres­sed their trust in us. I think it is time to say thank you. Wit­hout you, Stat­Soft would not be this gre­at com­pa­ny that I am proud and hap­py to lead day by day. I thank you all.

Fol­lo­wing Gott­fried Keller’s “Peace attracts life”, I wish you all reflec­ti­ve holi­days in the com­pa­ny of your loved ones.

Stay cheerful, opti­mi­stic and healt­hy!

Yours, Bert von Gar­rel


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Your contact

If you have any ques­ti­ons about our pro­ducts or need advice, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us direct­ly.

Tel.: +49 40 22 85 900-0

Sasha Shiran­gi (Head of Sales)