Meet the team: Simon Kamprath

Only with a strong team that is the­re for each other and com­mit­ted to its cus­to­mers can you achie­ve extra­or­di­na­ry things. Simon Kam­prath, Seni­or Data Engi­neer, has been with Stat­Soft for almost 6 years and con­stant­ly advan­ces our team as well as our cus­to­mers with his exper­ti­se and enjoy­ment of new topics. We asked him what he likes about working for us.

What I real­ly like about my job is con­stant­ly lear­ning, rese­ar­ching, deve­lo­ping and try­ing out new things in order to find the best pos­si­ble solu­ti­ons to the chal­lenges of the data world.

We also approach the pro­jects as a team and gain exci­ting insights into a wide ran­ge of indus­tries. All col­le­agues have an open ear, are lis­ten­ed to and get invol­ved. At the same time, we are open to new things and con­ti­nue to deve­lop every day, wit­hout ever losing sight of our goals, whe­ther they are our own or tho­se of our cli­ents.”

And in his pri­va­te life, too, Simon likes to be drawn into unknown worlds:
“Out­side of work, I like to dis­co­ver new things and try them out - in the fresh air, in the kit­chen, in books or on trips. This year, for exam­p­le, I’m taking the night train to the Alps to go hiking and then to the Adria­tic to relax 😀”

Gre­at to have you on the team, Simon! And have fun dis­co­ve­ring the south!

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If you have any ques­ti­ons about our pro­ducts or need advice, plea­se do not hesi­ta­te to cont­act us direct­ly.

Tel.: +49 40 22 85 900-0

Sasha Shiran­gi (Head of Sales)